"Those who have experienced Paris have advantage over those who have not. We are the ones who have glimpsed a little bit of heaven, down here on earth." - Deirdre Kelly

Monday, January 16, 2012

Table of Contents

"Ah, sweet Content, where doth thine harbour hold?"
- Barnabe Barnes

Bienvenue a tous, to my little blog that could: Pour l'Amour de Paris. This blog is about everything Parisienne, from a Sistah's spicy point of view ;-)

In mid-November, I began an extensive re-design of Pour l'Amour - the layout, adding new labels/sections, and an app that allows you to translate my blog into French and 61 other languages. While I think that the re-design is easy to follow and very pleasing to the eye ;-) I thought that it would be a good idea to write an annotated Table of Contents - everything you need to be able to easily navigate Pour l'Amour de Paris...

Going to Paris?

The center 'column' of this blog is devoted to my latest posts, bien sur ;-) The right hand column is my personal Paris guide - Going to Paris? It's currently divided into five sections:

1. What to read before you go (besides this blog, of course!).
2. What to pack before you go.
3. Where to stay when you get there.
4. What to do when you get there.
5. Where to eat and drink when you get there (coming soon).

Table des Matieres (table of contents)

On the left hand side, I've grouped all of my common posts into their own labels/sections. Just click on the photo and you'll be taken to a listing of all of the posts with that label. Here's their breakdown (in no particular order). Beneath nearly every photo is a link to the section's original introductory post:

Pure Paris 
Fabulous People, places and things in Paris 

In January 2012, I will begin to write a Photo-essay series
in Belle Inspiration magazine - I will also share them at Pour l'Amour

My adventures in letting my natural nap have its way! 

A French Girl's Wardrobe
Paris inspired Sistah-spicy-fashion
I also share the love
(who, what, where and how much).

Each post is a music playlist inspired by Paris,
based in one particular genre, artist and/or mood. 

Infusing my home with Paris, room by room


@ my Parisian inspired jewelry and fine art photography 

"While I dance I cannot judge, I cannot hate.
I cannot separate myself from life.
I can only be joyful and whole.
This is why I dance."
- Hans Bos

Alongside Paris and my photography, ballet (dance) feeds my soul - how could I not create a section especially dedicated to the beauty, strength, and inspiration that is embodied in dance? Thus, I'm pleased to add A Danser to Pour l'Amour de Paris.

A Danser is simple in its complexity - a single photo and an inspirational quote. To encourage you to dance (literally and figuratively), to bring the joy and serenity (to be found in dance) into your everyday life.

*As you know, I am very sensitive to respecting the copyright(s) of artists. So I want to make it very clear - this section will feature the amazing, breathtaking photography of several artists - for inspiration. I will clearly credit each and every photograph (photographer I feature in this section). My hope is that you (my fantabulous readers) will contact the company and/or photographer and buy their work, for your very own - I know that I will ;-}

**To the artists, whose work I will share in this section. It is my humble intention to share your gorgeous, amazing work with my readers. I will always credit you, and include a link to your site (of course I invite you to share your site web-addresses with me, so that I can happily pass them along to my readers. But if you do not want me to include your images here, let me know and I will immediately remove them. That said, thank you for your inspirational art!

Be joyful, be whole - dance.

Conversations with people I meet in my travels.

Believe it or not, I do travel to places other than Paris ;-)

Show & Tell Friday
"Many of us have special things that we may have forgotten about over time. It's always more fun to share our treasures with friends and that's what Show & Tell Friday is all about!"
- Cindy, My Romantic Home

Every Friday the fantabulous Cindy invites bloggers to link a post, about a personal treasure, to her lovely blog - My Romantic Home. The rules are pretty straight forward: 'Show' something and 'Tell' about it. It must be something that you own, is in your home or garden, and there must be a photograph of it.  While I'm not able to contribute every Friday, I try to contribute at least once a month.

I like, that I think you'll like too

"I want to have dinner with Gershwin
I want to watch Rembrandt sketch
I want to talk theory with Curie...
I want to talk moods with Picasso...
I want to fly double with Earhart
I want to sings hymns with Mahalia...
One touch of your greatness is all I need;
my circle, my fantasy will be complete."
- Donna Summer, Dinner with Gershwin

Diva - Yeah, you know what this section is about!



adventures with my beloved canine companion

Commentaire Diva

While I'm a political Diva, and keep close track of the local, national and global goings on, I rarely blog about such things. One of the greatest things about the bloggo-sphere is that it is populated by diverse peoples - liberal, moderate, conservative; Black, white, and brown; male and female; gay and straight, different religions and nationalities, with all sorts of opinions. 

In blogs such as mine (and the ones I frequent) we put our differences aside (or downright ignore them ;-) and are able to connect in a place/space that exists beyond all of the labels that we put on ourselves and/or onto others (and often, we defy all of those labels, because we are so much more complex than that, and revel in doing so) - it's a beautiful thing! But sometimes there's an event or situation, that strikes such a cord within me, I feel the need to blog about it, to express myself within my space. And I do so...here. 


This is my smallest section. It contains Pour l'Amour's first two posts. I always like to read the first few posts of my favorite blogs - it's very interesting and inspiring to see the starting point of a blog.

*Thank you for taking the time to read my little blog that could. Curating this blog is a labor of love, that feeds my soul. It is my fervent hope, wish and raison d'etre that this blog inspires you to discover Paris, to carve out your very own nook - there's plenty of room and everyone is welcome. If you do, when you do, you'll learn what every lover of Paris knows to be true:

"A breath of Paris preserves the soul" (Victor Hugo).

Vivre! Rire! Aimer!



  1. I love the changes, Temple! Your Creativity Muse has been working overtime!

  2. Good Morning Gorgeous!

    Sorry I missed this post. For some reason it got sent to my blog's spam file (eek!).

    Thank you and I'm glad you like it ;-)




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