"Those who have experienced Paris have advantage over those who have not. We are the ones who have glimpsed a little bit of heaven, down here on earth." - Deirdre Kelly

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


My splendid Sage working it at a tournament last weekend.

"Some people say that I have and attitude - maybe I do.
But I think that you have to. You have to believe in yourselfwhen no one else does - that makes you a winner right there." - Venus Williams

Please forgive me for the lag in my posting. The Hills' household is in full Tennis season. To my supreme joy, now all three of my children are tennis players! Tennis camp every afternoon, ballet 3 times a week (I'm working on adding a class or two), my bracelets (4 sold in the last month!) my photography (sold 4 prints in one week!), writing for Belle Inspiration, my writing 1st novel, and being a mommy, my blogging has suffered :( 

Sage - waiting at the net to shake the hand of the winner.

Last Friday, my daughter - Sage - played in a local tennis tournament. She was so nervous! It was close, but she lost her 1st match. When she walked off the court, she flung herself into my arms sobbing. My heart broke. As I was holding her, that old saying came to mind: "You're only as happy as your saddest child." I took her to the club's locker room, dried her tears and gave her a little mommy-daughter-pep-talk. After a careful lipgloss application, Sage was ready to get back to work!

Sage working her serve in her 2nd match

For her 2nd match, Sage burst out of the gates guns-a-blazin! She was AMAZING! Sage won her 2nd match by a wide margin. But here's the thing...Winning or losing, Sage was/is the epitome of: 'Strong IS Beautiful' It blew me away, humbled me, to see my 9 year old girl: lose, compose herself, correct herself, improve, swing, sweat, and grunt. She was/is magnificant, self-assured, confident. And oh so beautiful. She's everything that I was not when I was her age. She's what I aspire to be now

So, in ode to my girl, all girls, and to the women they inspire - winners all...

Vivre! Rire! Aimer!


  1. Présentation nettement meilleure, et beaucoup plus facile à télécharger !

    1. Je vous remercie, mon ami. Je vais retourner a Paris en Septembre. Peut-etre nous pouvons enfin se retrouver pour un verre (ou trois ;-} de vin...


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