"Those who have experienced Paris have advantage over those who have not. We are the ones who have glimpsed a little bit of heaven, down here on earth." - Deirdre Kelly

Friday, May 29, 2020

graduation day...

"Look what you did..." - Drake

The rise, tsunami spread and devastating death toll of COVID19, and the drastic measures the world has taken to combat and stem the spread of this virus, has shrunk my and my family's world to our home and neighborhood. The world literally stopped. All public activity ceased: work (except those jobs deemed essential), stores, restaurants, sports, all social gatherings, and school. 13 March, all schools closed and education moved to remote (online) classes. While that was challenging in its own right, the most devastating consequence, for all students, was the cancellation of prom and graduation ceremonies. 

I'm the proud mom of two 2020 COVID19 Pandemic graduates: Rory (high school senior) and Never (middle school 8th grade). Rory and Never didn't complain about their world coming to a halt but their sadness was palpable. But ya'll know me. I was determined to observe and celebrate this momentous milestone/right of passage. Natural Light. Cameras. Action!

Never graduated among the top of his class and received the Presidential Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement. Rory received All Conference for Varsity Football and Basketball and a Prep Sports Excellence Award for Outstanding Athletic Achievement.   

Never will continue the Hills family academic and athletic legacy at his brother's alma mater and plans to start, playing Center, with Glenbard North High School's 'Panthers' Freshman Basketball team. Rory will continue his academic and athletic career playing Wide Receiver for North Central College's 'Cardinals' Football team.

"I owned every second that this world could give...I swear I lived." - One Republic

So let's hear it for Never and Rory! No virus, pandemic, quarantine, school closure(s), remote learning, idiot adults, or cessation of official graduation ceremonies could adversely effect or quell your excellence, determination, resilience, and all around badassery!    You came, saw and conquered for which we are in awe and oh so proud. We love and salute you. World. Oyster. Yours!

Vire! Rire! Aimer!

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